At the family, we are dedicated to providing you with only the best quality work delivered right to your front door.
What distinguishes a rustic furniture item that is truly innovative? It's the little finishing touches and minor elements that, to an unskilled eye, might appear to be unimportant. We never overlook the important details that ensure our clients the greatest satisfaction, and here are just a few examples.
We understand that handles may appear to be unimportant to some, but we believe they can make or break a beautiful rustic design. That is why, in order to maintain a genuinely rustic and appropriate aesthetic while also retaining high-quality craftsmanship, we typically give customers the option of log or forged metal handle options.
Few people are able to master wood carving to the point where they may be trusted to decorate a completed piece of rustic furniture. It necessitates exactitude, patience, and a discerning eye for material discrepancies, which is why you should only deal with the best artists. A poor cut will instantly destroy an otherwise beautiful item; however fully executed carvings? Well, they will just take things to a whole extra level.
Real men build with real wood, which is durable and long-lasting. It's simple to love the look of rustic rough-hewn hardwood furniture that has been handcrafted from natural materials such as cedar and cypress. Because it is timeless, natural, and thought to be long-lasting, solid wood rustic and log furniture is becoming more and more popular, even in interior design circles.
Not all rustic furniture pieces are suitable for a liquid glass finish, but for those that are, the perfectly smooth and glossy end finish is an exquisite way to offer something special. It takes more time and needs a skilled hand, but you've earned it in return for your home.
It may appear to be simple enough to match the boards of hardwood for larger things, such as beautiful dining tables, but getting it right is far more difficult in practice. There must be an understanding of the wood's grain and flow, as well as pieces that are properly prepared and joined together to create a beautiful piece of wood.
You can't work with wood on a daily basis and not value the material. We certainly do, and we're thankful for everything it provides us, including a creative outlet, the opportunity to contribute to our local economy, and meaningful life. With that in mind, we enjoy the chance to show it with some modest yet more raw designs.
Lastly, if other materials are to be utilized, they must blend well with natural wood without overpowering it. Forged metal that has been finished in a neutral black is an excellent choice, as is copper with some age. Anything that is out of sync with the wood will detract from the overall appearance and cause the furniture to fall apart.
These are only a few of the design characteristics we examine in our furniture. Visit IIRNTREE right now if you're searching for rustic or log furniture to discover what we have to offer and talk with someone about realizing your vision.